Thursday, December 17, 2015

KYOU Radio Dot Org HammondCast 19 Jon Tells The Famous Air Cleaner Story from jazzkeller

*LISTEN TO THE AUDIO HERE: HammondCast 19 Jon's archive HammondCast 19 starts out in Frankfurt Germany recording in AFN Europe Headquarters on one big tube microphone featuring Hungarian tenor saxophone star Tony Lakatos, now a member of the hr-Bigband . And a slow rainy day Blues featuring guitarist Joe Berger and Ray Grappone drums, Jon Hammond on the XB-2 organ and covering the bass. Also a 35 year-old recording of my old rock band HADES and a shout out to the bass player Steve Wright who is recuperating from a stroke and heart attack but is now starting to speak again, get better Steve! From there to 1995 recording in Le Bar Bat on W.57th Street NYC playing Jon's tune "Pocket Funk". A song I recorded with Eddie Money that is close to Eddie's heart: "I've Been Lovin' You Too Long" for all the Eddie Money freaks out there. I just saw Eddie in NY and he's doin' fine, still touring in a city near you! And finally ending up back in AFN Europe Headquarters playing Jon Hammond's theme song: "LATE RENT", dedicated to YOU of KYOU Radio the your Rent will never be Late! circa 1971: Hades band, El Cerrito CA Jon Hammond Band - AFN Headquarters Frankfurt Eddie Money photo by Jon Hammond at Ed's tour bus Jon Hammond with Stephen Page and Jon Russell - KYOU Radio Jon's archive Alpha Jon Hammond - Add to Calendar: Tuesday April 5, 2016 in the famous jazzkeller Frankfurt - Jon Hammond Band performs at 9PM Celebrating 30 Years, As Seen On Cable TV 32 Years Jon Hammond Show MNN TV Channel 1 and Streaming Worldwide FULL HIGH DEFINITION VERSION 29th Year! Jon Hammond's musikmesse Warm Up Party jazzkeller - Big Special Thanks to my good friend Saray Pastanesi for absolute Masterpiece Birthday & 29th musikmesse Chocolate Chocolate cake!! It was delicious, every morsel was consumed and enjoyed! Journal Frankfurt MY HOME AWAY FROM HOME Jon Hammond zum 27. Mal auf der Musikmesse Nomen est omen. Der Mann heißt Hammond und spielt eine Hammond. Der Organist aus New York freut sich auf Frankfurt und lädt zur Musikmesse Warm Up Party am 9.4. in den Jazzkeller ein. JOURNAL FRANKFURT: Was war für Sie zuerst da - die Frankfurter Musikmesse oder Auftritte im Jazzkeller? Jon Hammond: Die Musikmesse. Ich kam 1987 zum ersten Mal nach Frankfurt, zusammen mit Joe Berger, der auf der Messe für Engl Amplifiers spielte. Wir flogen mit der Lufthansa ein und teilten uns ein Zimmer im berühmten Prinz Otto Hotel am Hauptbahnhof. Schon in der ersten Nacht stellte mir Joe den großen John Entwistle, den Bassisten von The Who vor. Es wurde eine lange Nacht, in der wir Cognac tranken und Erdnüsse knabberten in eiern Suite des Marriott Hotels. Ich habe Joe bei einer Session mit John und Ringo Starrs Sohn Zak Starkey im Dorian Grey Club gefilmt bei einer Soundcheck Party. In den ersten paar Jahren spielte ich nicht oft live weil ich noch keine transportierbare Hammond Orgel hatte vor 1991 als ich den Prototyp einer XB-2 Hammond Orgel bekam mit der ich dann um die Welt reiste. Hauptsächliche dokumenierte ich aber die Messe für meine Cable TV Show in New York, die inzwischen im 29. Jahr als The Jon Hammond Show -- Music, Travel and Soft News präsentiert. Die harten Nachrichten überlasse ich CNN und den großen Networks (lacht). Vom ersten Jahr an fühlten wir uns der Musikmesse eng verbunden, haben seitdem eine tolle Zeit hier, kommen jedes Jahr wieder bis wir kleine, alte Männer sind. Das Jazzkeller-Konzert am Vorabend der Musikmesse ist zu einer netten Tradition geworden - wie kam es dazu, was bedeutet es Ihnen und wir werden Sie dieses Jahr diesen Abend im Jazzkeller zelebrieren? Ab 1991 lernte ich mehr und mehr Musikmesse-Menschen kennen und die mich und auch einiges von meiner Musik. Einige von ihnen ermunterten mich, doch auch für Auftritte nach Deutschland zu kommen weil es hier doch ein Interesse an Hammond-Orgel-Groove-Music gab. Mit der schon erwähnten, kleinen, kompakten aber sehr kraftvollen Orgel war das alles möglich. Zudem machte ich in New York gerade eine schwere Zeit durch, mein Vater war gestorben und ich hatte das Gefühl, einige Veränderungen könnten meinem Leben gut tun. Also kam ich nach Frankfurt mit meiner XB-2, allerdings mit einem Rückflugticket falls etwas schief gehen würde. Ich rief viele Musiker an, ließ sie wissen, ich bin jetzt da, lasst uns zusammen spielen. Das war für mich der Anfang einer langen, sehr speziellen Beziehung, vor allem zum Frankfurter Publikum nach ersten kleinen erfolgen im Jazzkeller und einer kurzen Auftritt im Hessen Report im Fernsehen. Beatrix Rief verdanke ich dieses "lucky light on me", eine tolle Erfahrung. Seitdem nenne ich Frankfurt "My Good Luck City" und im Jazzkeller begann auch alles für mich als Musiker. Deshalb liegt mir der Club auch so nah am Herzen, deshalb hatte ich auch die Idee, meine "Musikmesse Warm Up Party" dort zu realisieren, immer in der Nacht bevor die Messe startet was zu einer schönen Tradition wurde. Im ersten Jahr, in dem ich dann auch ein wenig Sponsoring von Philip Morris bekam, konnte ich damit einige Flugtickets für befreundete Musik bezahlen. Darüber war ich sehr glücklich. Dabei rauche ich selbst gar nicht. Wie würden Sie Ihr persönliches Verhältnis zu Deutschland und Frankfurt beschrieben? Lassen Sie es mich so sagen: ich liebe Frankfurt und die Frankfurter waren immer gut zu mir in all den Jahren. Ich könnte ein ganzes Buch über die Zeit schreiben, in der ich in Bornheim wohnte und Nacht für Nacht in der alten Jazzkneipe in der Berliner Straße auftrat. Das war der Treffpunkt, wo auch die Musiker der HR Bigband hinkamen und es gab eine generöse Chefin in der kleinen Kneipe. Auch Regine Dobberschütz und Eugen Hahn im Jazzkeller waren wahre Jazzengel für mich, die mir so vieles ermöglichten in der Zeit. Wir konnten auch in den Studios von AFN Radio spielen, waren die einzigen Musiker, die das - mit einer Sondergenehmigung des US Militärs - durften. Für ein wenig Promotion für die Musikmesse. Wir nannten das Programm für die AFN "Profile TV "-Show "Sound Police". Wir hatten viel Spaß. Kein Wunder also, dass ich Frankfurt als my home away from home begreife und ich mich jedes Mal wieder freue zur Musikmesse zu reisen, in diesem Jahr übrigens zum 27. Mal in Folge. Und ich bin diesmal besonders aufgeregt, heim nach Frankfurt zu kommen weil ich gerade 60 Jahre alt geworden bin. Wer wird in diesem Jahr zum Gelingen des Konzertes mit teils komponierter, teils improvisierter Musik, so nehme ich an, beitragen und was für einen Sound wird die Band präsentieren? Ich habe etwa 90% der Kompositionen geschrieben, die wir spielen werden. Es ist die Musik, die man auch in meiner New Yorker TV-Show hören kann und die mich mehrmals um die Welt getragen hat. Meinen Stil nenne ich "Swinging Funky Jazz and Blues" und featurert die ganz wunderbaren Solisten in meine Band: Tony Lakatos, den großen ungarischen Tenorsaxophonisten, der auch Mitglied in der hr Bigband ist, dann meinen alten Freund Giovanni Gulino, diesen tollen Schlagzeuger, der schon für fast alle Großen der Szene getrommelt hat. Ich liebe diese Jungs. Als Gitarrist ist mein alten Freund und Kollege Joe Berger dabei, den man auch als The Berger-Meister kennt. Auf diese Formation bin ich wirklich stolz. Werden Sie im Jazzkeller wieder eine Hammond Orgel spielen? Ja, sicher, das neueste Modell, eine Sk1, die exakt so klingt wie die legendäre B3. Ich liebe sie. Und sie wiegt nur noch sieben Kilo (Anm. des Autors: Das Original, ein echtes Möbel mit viel Holz, mussten immer zwei Menschen mit viel Muskelkraft die Treppen rauf und runter hieven), ein deutliches Indiz, dass wir in der Zukunft angekommen sind. Da stecken viele Jahre Forschung und Entwicklung drin, auch Bühnenerprobungen. Ich ziehe den Hut vor den Ingenieuren von Suzuki, ein unverwüstliches Instrument erschaffen zu haben. Und das unterziehe ich jetzt einen echten Härttest (lacht). Interview: Detlef Kinsler Jon Hammond - organ Joe Berger - guitar Peter Klohmann - saxophone Giovanni Gulino - drums Mr. Hammond has toured worldwide since 1991 using the incredible Sk1 organ by Hammond Suzuki..™ "Classic Hammond Sound...In A Suitcase!" The Jon Hammond Show is a funky swinging instrumental revue, featuring top international soloists. The show has universal appeal. Big Hammond orgel sound - 100% organic As seen on MNN TV Cable TV Show The Jon Hammond Show 32nd year -- Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Topics Journal Frankfurt, Journalkalendar, Jon Hammond, musikmesse, Warm Up Party, Hammond Organs, Frankfurt, Blues, Jazz, Soft News, MNN TV Channel 1 - Jazz Party of The Year! #JazzParty #CNNiReport Producer Jon Hammond Language English Jon's archive by Jon Hammond 48 minute Documentary movie of Tuesday night session at Friends Seminary School in Manhattan, 5 original compositions! "Head Phone" by Jon Hammond arranged by Todd Anderson "Lydia's Tune" by Jon Hammond arranged by Todd Anderson "Late Rent" by Jon Hammond arranged by Todd Anderson "Pocket Funk" by Jon Hammond arranged by Todd Anderson "Have a Nice Day Blues" by Todd Anderson arranged by Todd Anderson *Note: Tenor Saxophonist Arranger Todd Anderson was Jon Hammond's teacher for Arranging and Compostion at Berklee College of Music in Boston MA in 1973. 10 years later they recorded this music for TV Show "The Jon Hammond Show" still on TV every week for 32 years, the recording session went down at Intergalactic Recording Studios where John Lennon did some of his last recording dates. The big band here is presided over by Professor Bob Rosen in charge of the music program at Friends Seminary School on Manhattan's East Side, 230 year old school K - 12th grade. Top sight reading musicians gather weekly - more info: ©JON HAMMOND International ASCAP / BMI Photographs Courtesy of Elmar Lemes Youtube these are the names I know at this time - more coming: Mike Campenni drums, Charles Lee a.s., Jim Piela a.s., Bob Rosen t.s., David Zalud trpt., Greg Ruvolo trpt. Todd Anderson t.s., Jon Hammond Hammond Sk1 org., Art Baron trombone, Pat Hall trmb., Alfredo Marques trmb., - entire session documentary ©JON HAMMOND International / Todd Anderson ASCAP / BMI - additional info as seen on Manhattan Neighborhood Network Channel 1 community channel and streaming worldwide, late Fri. nights / early Sat. morning at 1:30 AM Eastern Standard Time - Associated Musicians of Greater New York Local 802, Jon is also a dual member of AFM Local 6 Musicians Union San Francisco - the date of this session was October 20, 2015 2nd image - My friend Raul Rekow on the Carlos Santana Band with Carlos onstage there, Alex Ligertwood was on the band then...I shot this in Paris 1981 - Jon Hammond R.I.P. Eddie Sorenson - Levittown Long Island New York *in middle in this photo, L to R: Jon Hammond, Eddie Sorenson, Eddie Money. I was in a band with the 2 Eddie's in 1970-'71, Eddie was an excellent guitarist and vocalist. My deepest condolences go out to the Sorenson Family, Eddie Money and all Eddie's friends. I have just been informed of this very sad news Eddie Sorenson has died. Sincerely, Jon *Photo at BB King's NYC, either on Eddie's bus or backstage - JH Still my favorite version Hammond Organ 80th Anniversary Docu Film International projekt directed by main man Tino Pavlis! From Sandweg in Frankfurt to Hamamatsu Japan, Chicago and Anaheim California folks! - Jon Hammond​ - Keeping the tradition Tino! and we had a lot of fun, much more coming too! - JH spcl. thanks / dankeschön Joe Berger, Michael Falkenstein, Professor Klaus Maier founder of Hammond Deutschland, musikmesse​, The NAMM Show​, Suzuki Musical Instruments​ Team - International project coming to a theater near you soon! - the sound at the heart of Funk Soul Blues Gospel and don't forget Classical and Theater Organ - with original music from Jon Hammond Band​ coast to coast and around the world! Jon Hammond​ Apple iTunes Podcast FEED Funk Soul Blues and Soft News - thanks Apple Inc.​ Jon's archive Youtube "Lydia's Tune" by Jon Hammond - organ trio session at Eastside Sound Studios with Joe Berger guitar, Lou Holtzman drums, Jon Hammond at the Hammond Sk1 organ - Sunday afternoon session, special thanks Lou & Mimi Holtzman, Duff Harris and Marcus assisting ©JON HAMMOND International ASCAP Joe, Lou, Jon CNN iReport Jon Hammond Band Facebook Vimeo AFM Local 6: Jon Hammond is a musician, composer, bandleader, publisher, journalist, TV show host, radio DJ, and multi-media entrepreneur. He currently travels the world, playing gigs and attending trade shows. Jon's archive Penzlin, Germany -- Showtime! - Penzlin Burginnenhof Landesjugendjazzorchester MV Jon Hammond Jazzorgel - High Definition Movie: (Full HD, vers. 2.0) Penzlin Burginnenhof Landesjugendjazzorchester MV Jon Hammond Jazzorgel "Organ Meets Bigband" special tribute to Jimmy Smith evening concert in the centuries old castle Penzlin Burginnenhof, conducted by Maestro Michael Leuschner. Full moon was rising on this evening in Alte Burg Penzlin „Organ meets Bigband“ – LaJazzO MV feat. Jon Hammond (organ) – das Landesjugendjazzorchester Mecklenburg / Landesjugendorchester Mecklenburg Vorpommern (LaJazzO MV) Penzlin, Burginnenhof Warener Chaussee 55a 17217 Penzlin – Junge Talente treffen Profi: Das Landesjugendjazzorchester als bester Jazznachwuchs aus ganz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern tritt bei diesem Konzert mit dem US-Amerikaner Jon Hammond, einem der legendärsten Hammondorgelspieler der Welt, auf. Eindrucksvolle Kulisse ist die aus dem 16. Jahrhundert stammende Burg in Penzlin, in der unter freiem Himmel vielseitiger Bigbandjazz dargeboten wird. Der Trompeter und Bigband-Leader Michael Leuschner führt unterhaltsam durch das Programm, das Klassiker wie vom phänomenalen Jimmy Smith parat hat. – diesmal mit dem New Yorker Jazzorganisten Jon Hammond. 19, Air Cleaner, jazzkeller, #HammondOrgan #CNNiReport #Radio #musikmesse #TheNAMMShow

KYOU Radio Dot Org HammondCast 20 From Las Vegas Mirage Hotel and Inside SF County Jail CJ8 Pod E Jon Hammond Trio

*LISTEN TO THE AUDIO HERE: HammondCast 20 KYOU Radio Dot Org HammondCast 20 From Las Vegas Mirage Hotel and Inside SF County Jail CJ8 Pod E Jon Hammond Trio Christmas Special performance live audio recording, special thanks Sheriff Mike Michael Hennessey, AFM Local 6 Musicians Union Jon's archive Categories: #Blues #Jazz #Music #CNNiReport Photo by Jon Hammond San Francisco County Jail 8 on Seventh Street in San Francisco CA: John Lennon and Yoko Ono anti violence poster on the prison, visible to all on the i80 Freeway entering Bay Bridge lower deck and upper deck HammondCast 20 Broadcasting today from Las Vegas Nevada in the Mirage Hotel, 2 ballads from my new recordings at NDR Radio Studio 1 with LUTZ BUCHNER (alto sax), JOE GALLARDO (trombone), HEINZ LICHIUS (drums) and JON HAMMOND on the XK-3 Hammond Organ, mixed by NDR Engineer RUDY GROSSER. From there we go to San Francisco County Jail #8 "Pod E" where the ladies in CJ8 joined us during original funk composition "Pocket Funk" with a chorus of: "Funky Stuff...In Your Pocket"! And 2 original selections from album "Late Rent", my theme song "Late Rent" and the original studio version of "Pocket Funk" and the story of how I recorded them in the same studio John Lennon had been recording in in winter 1983 at Intergalactic Studios in New York City. HammondCast 20 for KYOU Radio, San Francisco California-1550 on the AM dial Organist/Accordionist © JON HAMMOND International, Inc. AFM Local 6 Member Profile JON HAMMOND: "WHERE'S THE GIG?" -- by ALEX WALSH Jon Hammond is a musician, composer, bandleader, publisher, journalist, TV show host, radio DJ, and multi-media entrepreneur. He currently travels the world, playing gigs and attending trade shows. THE EARLY YEARS Jon Hammond was born in Chicago in 1953. His father was a doctor and his mother was a housewife. They both played the piano. In 1957, his parents moved Jon and his four sisters to Berkeley, CA, where his father worked in a hospital as head of the emergency room. When he was nine, Jon started accordion lessons. “In those days, they had studios where parents would drop their kids off after school for tap dancing and accordion lessons. There were accordion bands and they would compete against each other.”
“Every time I see a musician walking down the street I say, ‘Hey, where’s the gig?’ Because it doesn’t matter what kind of music you play, if you’re carrying an instrument–going to a rehearsal, or coming back from a repair shop, whatever it is–we all need our gigs. And that’s what the union is all about. Hopefully, we can all keep working and be supportive of everybody’s gigs. There’s room for everybody.” Jon played his first gig at a senior citizens luncheon when he was eleven. Not only did he get a free lunch but he was paid $25 –a lot of money in those days. Jon says his father was supportive, but did not want him to pursue a music career. “He told me that music was a great hobby. He got me a wonderful professional accordion for my Bar Mitzvah, directly from John Molinari, one of the greatest accordionists who ever lived. It was a Guilietti Professional Tone Chamber accordion. That’s the accordion I won Jr. Jazz Champion on in 1966.” In high school, Jon attended a private boys school in San Francisco. He was a class clown, and when it got to the point where he was going to be expelled, Jon took his accordion and ran away from home. He immersed himself in the San Francisco music scene and started playing organ in several bands. By 1971 he was in a four piece rock group called Hades which shared a rehearsal space with Quicksilver Messenger Service. “I was friends with their manager, Ron Polte, who also managed guitarist John Cipollina. We got to open for his band, Copperhead.” Jon continued to play gigs in the Bay Area in different configurations, including a few gigs with a young Eddie Money. By this time Jon had become frustrated with the Bay Area scene. One night while playing a biker bar he got into a fight and his band didn’t come to his defense. “That was the last straw. I was angry and I said I wasn’t coming back.”
Jon in the early 70s Jon moved to Boston in 1973 to attend the Berklee School of Music. He also got a gig playing in Boston’s Combat Zone backing up burlesque shows. When Jon saw one of his idols, pianist Keith Jarrett play in New York he told him he was going to Berklee and asked him for advice. “Keith looked me right in the eye and said ‘Berklee can be very dangerous for your music.’ It was like he popped this huge bubble. Years later I came to understand what he was talking about. You have to learn the fundamentals, but the music itself comes from a much deeper place. They can’t teach that, you have to find it yourself.” When Jon’s teachers began sitting in on his gigs in Boston, he questioned why he was in school if the teachers were coming to play with him. He quit school, moved to Cape Cod and started playing with bandleader Lou Colombo. “He did all the private parties for Tip O’Neill. We played what they used to call the business man’s beat. On the gig it was forbidden to swing. It was like swing cut in half. So if you tried to go with the four, Lou would say, ‘Don’t swing it, don’t swing it.’ He pounded it into my head night after night.” LATE RENT In 1981 Jon took a trip to Paris where he broke through his writers block and wrote some of his best music. He returned to New York with his new tunes and started a production company with the idea of getting a record deal for a friend that had played on a #1 hit record. After months of pounding the pavement with no results, Jon realized he had better work on his own music before his money ran out. He took the last of his savings, including his upcoming rent money, and went into the studio to record what came to be known as “The Late Rent Sessions”. The session had Todd Anderson on tenor sax, Barry Finnerty on guitar, Stephen Ferrone on drums, and Jon on B3. They recorded at Intergalactic, the last studio that John Lennon recorded in. Jon had no luck getting a record deal for his new project, but he did get gigs in New York with his band Jon Hammond and the Late Rent Session Men.
Jon Hammond Band Onstage at NAMM, 2014: Joe Berger, Dom Famularo, Alex Budman, Koei Tanaka, Jon Hammond n 1982, Jon found out about public access television and the idea that anyone could produce a show and get it on TV. He started broadcasting on Manhattan’s public station in 1984. “I decided I was going to produce a radio show on TV. The first episodes showed just my tapping foot and my voice. It was a gimmick. We had graphics that were synchronized to go with the music. It worked out well. People dug it.” Within a few weeks, Jon was interviewed and featured in Billboard Magazine. The Jon Hammond Show was considered an alternative to the clips on Cable TV. “MTV was still in its infancy. We had a concept that was revolutionary. My phone started ringing and we were the hot kids on the block.” LIVING ABROAD Jon continued to play gigs in New York and produce his TV show. In 1987, he went to his first trade show (NAMM) where he was introduced to Mr. Julio Guilietti, the man who built his accordion. He then began traveling to trade shows and making contacts with musicians and companies around the world, including Hammond Suzuki. “They gave me the Hammond XB-2, the first really powerful portable Hammond organ. Glenn Derringer, one of my all-time heroes, presented it to me. I got one of the first. Paul Shaffer from the Letterman Show got the other. At the time there was only one EXP-100 expression pedal–we had to share the pedal. I used the pedal for my gigs and when Paul needed it I would bring it over to him at 30 Rockefeller Center on my bicycle.” In the early 90s, when his New York gigs began drying up, Jon was encouraged to go to Germany. “It was a hard time. My father had just died and there were very few gigs. I got the XB-2 organ right when I needed it, so I decided to take a chance. I bought a roundtrip ticket to Frankfurt with an open return. I went with 50 bucks and stayed for a year. When I came back, I had 100 bucks.” Jon stayed at a friend’s house and played a borrowed accordion on the street until he could get a band together. “I played on the street until my fingers turned blue and would collect enough money to get some fish soup. After about two weeks I got a call—I had put a band together and had 3 gigs coming up. A TV show had heard my story and wanted to do a story on me. At the first gig 19 people came; the second only 15 people came. Then I got the little spot on TV. When I came to the third gig people were lined up down the street. When I walked up I thought they were having an art exhibit. When they said, ‘No, they’re waiting for you.’ I choked up, I couldn’t even talk. So I’ve been playing there every year since. The people in Germany really saved my musical career at a time when very few things were happening for me in New York or San Francisco. I have a really good following in Europe. I keep busy as a musician in the States, playing hospitals and assisted living places, but my band dates I pretty much play overseas.” Jon’s Late Rent Sessions was eventually released on a German label and received modest airplay. During the 90s he travelled back and forth to Europe, spending a year playing gigs in Paris, and eventually settling in Hamburg. Since then he has released two more albums and has played gigs in Moscow, Shanghai, and Australia. With the help of the internet, Jon is able to produce his TV show anywhere. PRESENT DAY In the mid-2000s Jon produced Hammondcast, a radio program for CBS that aired in San Francisco at four in the morning and was rebroadcast before Oakland A’s games. “When the baseball games played in the afternoon, my show would play for about 20 minutes and then it was pre-empted. I had a lot of fun with that.” His guests included Danny Glover, Barry Melton from Country Joe & the Fish, and many local people. “It took me awhile to figure out that I had permission to broadcast anything I wanted. I could play the London Philharmonic or Stevie Wonder. My tag line was ‘Hello, Hello, Hello! Wake up or go back to sleep…’” Today, Jon continues to visit tradeshows and is determined to keep doing everything he does as long as he can. “I made a pact with my longtime co-producer, guitarist Joe Berger, that we are going to go to these trade shows until we are little old men with canes.” Jon has released four CDs
Jon Hammond Entertaining on Excelsior Accordion in Bernal Heights SF Neighborhood Center -- photo by Cheryl Fippen Local 6
For more info visit Jon's archive by Jon Hammond 48 minute Documentary movie of Tuesday night session at Friends Seminary School in Manhattan, 5 original compositions! "Head Phone" by Jon Hammond arranged by Todd Anderson "Lydia's Tune" by Jon Hammond arranged by Todd Anderson "Late Rent" by Jon Hammond arranged by Todd Anderson "Pocket Funk" by Jon Hammond arranged by Todd Anderson "Have a Nice Day Blues" by Todd Anderson arranged by Todd Anderson *Note: Tenor Saxophonist Arranger Todd Anderson was Jon Hammond's teacher for Arranging and Compostion at Berklee College of Music in Boston MA in 1973. 10 years later they recorded this music for TV Show "The Jon Hammond Show" still on TV every week for 32 years, the recording session went down at Intergalactic Recording Studios where John Lennon did some of his last recording dates. The big band here is presided over by Professor Bob Rosen in charge of the music program at Friends Seminary School on Manhattan's East Side, 230 year old school K - 12th grade. Top sight reading musicians gather weekly - more info: ©JON HAMMOND International ASCAP / BMI Photographs Courtesy of Elmar Lemes Youtube these are the names I know at this time - more coming: Mike Campenni drums, Charles Lee a.s., Jim Piela a.s., Bob Rosen t.s., David Zalud trpt., Greg Ruvolo trpt. Todd Anderson t.s., Jon Hammond Hammond Sk1 org., Art Baron trombone, Pat Hall trmb., Alfredo Marques trmb., - entire session documentary ©JON HAMMOND International / Todd Anderson ASCAP / BMI - additional info as seen on Manhattan Neighborhood Network Channel 1 community channel and streaming worldwide, late Fri. nights / early Sat. morning at 1:30 AM Eastern Standard Time - Associated Musicians of Greater New York Local 802, Jon is also a dual member of AFM Local 6 Musicians Union San Francisco - the date of this session was October 20, 2015 Jon's Journal - Logic Pro X - Apple Logic Recording / Playing workshop at The Beacon School conducted by Mark Via w/spcl. guests Joe Berger and yours' truly Jon Hammond (behind camera & organ: Put up a little tent that says "Free Cell Phones" and the people will come flocking! Maybe it's a good name for a band these days - Jon Hammond Real nice old car just blew my doors off on the 280 Freeway! He had the hammer down, looking real sharp, Jon Hammond Hamburg Germany -- Route 66 Hamburg Street P.R. Team - Mr. Berger and Mr. Hammond, thanks for the super cool T-Shirts Jens! They've been seen on TV and all over the place. 'Return of The Student' - 40 years later! Jon Hammond sits down with his piano teacher Tony Germain at Berklee College of Music in Boston MA exactly 40 years to the day that they first sat down at the piano together at 1140 Boylston Street in the Beantown - excellent interview! As seen on The Jon Hammond Show - MNN TV - Manhattan Neighborhood Network Channel 1 - TV Producers of Manhattan Neighborhood Network [MNN] *LINK: High Definition Video inside Tony's Office at 1140 Boylston Street Boston - the old Berklee College of Music building Classic episode of Jon Hammond Show known as Val Hal Jazz Pub Special - for my friends in Brooklyn by Brooklyn Academy of Music / BAM and Junior's Restaurant & Cheesecake deli where the notorious Val Hal Jazz Pub used to me - actual audio from Val Hal gig - Jon Hammond *LINK: Lazy Larry in the of this century's most important writers since James Joyce! *as seen on MNN TV Jon Hammond Show Jon Hammond Flashback -- as seen on The Jon Hammond Show: THE NEGATIVES Featuring Crazy Barry (everything) and Lazy Larry (nothing)! MNN Ch. 1 Manhattan Neighborhood Network Anaheim CA -- it was great meeting Rafael Feliciano at end of last NAMM Show...close friend of my friend Raul Rekow, I knew that Raul had been ill lately but I am shocked to hear he just died, this is terrible! Raul was the most healthy cat I ever met, terrible loss! So saddened to hear about, sorry for your loss Rafael and all the people who knew this great great Conguero! rest in peace Raul, Jon Hammond 2nd image - My friend Raul Rekow on the Carlos Santana Band with Carlos onstage there, Alex Ligertwood was on the band then...I shot this in Paris 1981 - Jon Hammond R.I.P. Eddie Sorenson - Levittown Long Island New York *in middle in this photo, L to R: Jon Hammond, Eddie Sorenson, Eddie Money. I was in a band with the 2 Eddie's in 1970-'71, Eddie was an excellent guitarist and vocalist. My deepest condolences go out to the Sorenson Family, Eddie Money and all Eddie's friends. I have just been informed of this very sad news Eddie Sorenson has died. Sincerely, Jon *Photo at BB King's NYC, either on Eddie's bus or backstage - JH Still my favorite version Hammond Organ 80th Anniversary Docu Film International projekt directed by main man Tino Pavlis! From Sandweg in Frankfurt to Hamamatsu Japan, Chicago and Anaheim California folks! - Jon Hammond​ - Keeping the tradition Tino! and we had a lot of fun, much more coming too! - JH spcl. thanks / dankeschön Joe Berger, Michael Falkenstein, Professor Klaus Maier founder of Hammond Deutschland, musikmesse​, The NAMM Show​, Suzuki Musical Instruments​ Team - International project coming to a theater near you soon! - the sound at the heart of Funk Soul Blues Gospel and don't forget Classical and Theater Organ - with original music from Jon Hammond Band​ coast to coast and around the world! Jon Hammond​ Apple iTunes Podcast FEED Funk Soul Blues and Soft News - thanks Apple Inc.​ Jon's archive Youtube "Lydia's Tune" by Jon Hammond - organ trio session at Eastside Sound Studios with Joe Berger guitar, Lou Holtzman drums, Jon Hammond at the Hammond Sk1 organ - Sunday afternoon session, special thanks Lou & Mimi Holtzman, Duff Harris and Marcus assisting ©JON HAMMOND International ASCAP Joe, Lou, Jon CNN iReport Jon Hammond Band Facebook Vimeo Christmas Special, Las Vegas Broadcast, SF County Jail, #Jazz #Blues #HammondOrgan #Radio #CNNiReport