Jon's archive
Hammond Report June 13 2020 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond
daily update with original music and stories, today with rare footage inside Frankfurt's "Jazz Kneipe" with my organ combo "Head Phone" is the name of my funk tune. I played more than 200 gigs here, 5 hour gig from 10PM - 3AM / 22UHR - 3UHR in the center of Frankfurt on the Berlinerstrasse 70 - I think the original location is now Zouzou a high end bar restaurant. This place was known as the trefftpunkt (meeting place) for musicians after their gigs. Small club but a lot happened in there! Regina Snilovič the owner moved to Spain after she closed. Thanks Regina! Dankeschön
for shooting my Canon digital video camera - everybody stay safe out there! -