Jon's archive
7,544 views 1940's era Hammond CV organ I used to play there in photo - JH — with Scott Rootenberg at Bruno's Lounge San Francisco #Brunos #Lounge #OrganLounge Jon Hammond Trio at BRUNO'S LOUNGE with Jon playing the Hammond model BV organ that was there since the 40's until somebody recently absconded with it! Charles Mcneal tenor sax, Ron Smith Jr. drums playing bossa nova classic Shadow of Your Smile as heard on Jon's daily radio show HammondCast early mornings on KYOU & KYCY Radio 1550AM in San Francisco. ©2007
Topics Bruno's Lounge, San Francisco, Charles Mcneal, Jon Hammond, BV Organ, Ronnie Smith Jr., Drums, Tenor Sax, Bossa Nova, HammondCast, KYOU KYCY Radio
Color color
Copyright_statement c)2007 JON HAMMOND Intl., Inc.
Date_created 2007
Framerate 30
Identifier JonHammondShadowatBRUNO_SLOUNGESF_JONHAMMONDTrio
Is_clip false
Mature_content false
Monochromatic false
Other_copyright_holders false
Postedby Jon Hammond
Sound sound
Video_type Independent film