Jon's archive
Hammond Report August 4 2020 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond
Hammond Report August 4 2020 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond - Daily Music and Stories from organist & accordionist Jon Hammond, today's story about one of my Sunday Sessions we recorded on my ReVox A700 2 track, and put direct on to a cassette on my Sony CFS-D7 and ran over to Al Jazzbeaux Collins door man apartment at 23rd & Park Ave., (aka Jazzbo) and he broke it out on the air on WNEW 1130 AM on his overnight radio program from the Purple Grotteaux - with actual footage I shot with Jazzbo on the microphone inside the studios of WNEW AM 1130 (now Bloomberg Radio) 50,000 watt Clear Station - this the actual recording I made off the air back in the year of 1987 - enjoy, and have a beautiful safe day out there everybody - make sure to mask up if you go in public, Jon Hammond