Thursday, August 27, 2009

Anderson Cooper with Guest Anchor Jon Hammond from CNN NYC Studios

CNN's Anderson Cooper introducing Jon Hammond as guest anchor from CNN NYC Studios, host of daily HammondCast Show on KYOU Radio

Bob Cunningham, Bass, Bernard Purdie, Jon Hammond, Local 802, Musicians Union, NDR Jazz, Late Rent, Mikell's, Jazz Foundation of America, Elmar Lemes, ASCAP Network, B3 organ, XK-3c, Blues, Funky, Rhonda Hamilton, WBGO

ASCAP Network Behind The Beat with Jon Hammond "LATE RENT"

Elmar Lemes photo of Jon Hammond playing XK-3 organ at Local 802 Monday Night Jazz Session sponsored by Jazz Foundation of America

Jon Hammond MySpace


ASCAP Network Behind The Beat "NDR SESSIONS Projekt"

Jon Hammond is an endorsed artist of Hammond Suzuki USA

anderson cooper, cnn, tv studios, jon hammond, ndr jazz, xk-3c, organ, politics, news, anniversary, rick sanchez, afn'er, frankfurt, musicians union, local 802, ascap, kyou radio, cbs network, B3 organ, XK-3c