Hammond Report November 11 2020 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond
Hammond Report November 11 2020 From Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond
- by
- Jon Hammond
Hammond Report November 11 2020 from Pandemic Quarantino Jon Hammond - Daily Music and Stories from the organist & accordionist Jon Hammond, today's story about Veterans Day today, otherwise known as Armistice Day declared by Pres. Woodrow Wilson on this day November 11th in 1919 - we are playing my tune "Get Back in The Groove" here in New EssBar Hamburg Altona with my dear friend Lutz Büchner tenor saxophone, Joe Berger guitar, Heinz Lichius drums and yours truly Jon Hammond at the Hammond Sk1 organ. Thanks Olaf Gödecke - I'll be back tomorrow with another Hammond Report, stay safe out there folks and keep masking up in public in the pandemiic!
- Publication date
- 2020-11-11
- Usage
- Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
- Topics
- Hammond Report, 11 November 2020, Veterans Day, Hamburg, Altona, New Essbar, Lutz Buechner, saxophonist, Musician, Stories, Hammond Organist, Jon Hammond, bye bye now
- Addeddate
- 2020-11-11 21:12:16
- Identifier
- hammond-report-november-11-2020-from-pandemic-quarantino-jon-hammond
Hammond Report, 11 November 2020, Veterans Day, Hamburg, Altona, New Essbar, Lutz Buechner, saxophonist, Musician, Stories, Hammond Organist, Jon Hammond, bye bye now